

Calcined α-alumina

  • Product name : Calcined α-alumina
  • Product Categories : Calcined α-alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Calcined α-alumina white fine powder, uniform particle size, easy to disperse, stable chemical properties, moderate high temperature shrinkage performance, α-alumina has good sintering performance. This α-alumina product is the basic raw material for the production of heat-resistant, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant products, such as high-alumina refractory materials, α-alumina can be used for high-strength ceramic products, automotive spark plugs, abrasive materials, etc. Welcome to inquire about calcined α-alumina.

The particle size of the original crystal is about 1 μm smaller, the grindability is good, the sintering activity is large, and it is easy to be pulverized into fine powder with an average particle size of about 1 μm. For alumina ceramics, rollers; various products produced by isostatic pressing; unshaped refractories, castables. It can also be used as a filler for electrical components and insulating materials.

Product parameters:

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