

Aluminum sol

  • Product name : Aluminum sol
  • Product Categories : Aluminum sol
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Aluminum sol:

1. Product performance

The appearance of aluminosol is a translucent to transparent viscous colloid. The microstructure of the colloidal particles is feather-like, positively charged, non-toxic, odorless, non-volatile and non-flammable, and can generate activated alumina or high-purity alumina after high temperature dehydration.

2. Product Features

This aluminum sol has the characteristics of adhesiveness, thixotropy, easy dispersibility, water-soluble reversibility, suspension, positive charge, adsorption, and stability.

3. Product use

Can be widely used in petrochemical catalysts, forming binders for high temperature resistant materials such as aluminum silicate fibers and ceramics, additives for ceramic enamel glazes, antistatic agents for texturing and electrostatic flocking, textiles and fiber products Treated film formers and antistatic agents, cast alumina castables, emulsifiers and stabilizers for pigments and coatings, photographic paper surface treatment agents, greenhouse antifogging agents, water repellants, etc.

4. How to use

Add and use according to the user's recipe.

Product parameters:

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