

Industrial grade alumina

  • Product name : Industrial grade alumina
  • Product Categories : Industrial grade alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Industrial grade alumina is a transitional phase alumina, which has strong activity, can be dissolved in acid or alkali solution, and has strong water absorption properties in the air. It has hydraulic properties and can undergo hydration reaction with water to form aluminum hydroxide gel with high strength. Because this product is pure alumina phase, with few impurities, high purity, and no low eutectic phase, it can be used as a castable molding binder for high temperature refractory materials (low cement or no cement) to improve the refractoriness and slag resistance of refractory products. Corrosion resistance, and at the same time, it has properties such as no decrease in strength at medium temperature. Used in many large iron and steel enterprises in China, it can significantly improve the life of refractory materials such as ladle and iron gutter, and reduce costs.

Product parameters:

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