

γ Alumina

  • Product name : γ Alumina
  • Product Categories : γ Alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Gamma alumina is obtained by dehydration of aluminum hydroxide at a low temperature of 140-150 ° C, and is also called activated alumina and aluminum glue in industry. In its structure, the oxygen ions are close-packed close to the cubic center, and AL3+ is irregularly distributed in the octahedral and tetrahedral voids surrounded by oxygen ions. γ-type alumina is insoluble in water, but can be dissolved in strong acid or strong alkali solution, and it will be completely converted into α-type alumina when it is heated to 1200 °C. Gamma alumina is a porous material with an internal surface area of hundreds of square meters per gram, with high activity and strong adsorption capacity. Industrial products are usually colorless or slightly pink cylindrical particles with good pressure resistance. It is a commonly used adsorbent, catalyst and catalyst carrier in petroleum refining and petrochemical industry; it is a deacidifying agent for transformer oil and turbine oil in industry, and is also used for chromatographic analysis; it is a neutral strong desiccant in the laboratory , its drying capacity is no less than that of phosphorus pentoxide, and it can be regenerated and reused after heating for 6-8H below 175 °C.

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