

Medicinal adsorption alumina

  • Product name : Medicinal adsorption alumina
  • Product Categories : Medicinal adsorption alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Medicinal adsorbed alumina is a kind of alumina with special structure processed and produced by special process. It is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless and white fine sand. It has high chemical purity, strong adsorption performance, fast solution permeation rate, and decolorization. Good effect, easy regeneration, long service life and other characteristics, strong water absorption in the air, invariable after water absorption, can be restored after drying at 110 ° C, insoluble in water and organic solvents, soluble in strong acid at high temperature and strong alkaline solution.

The medicinal adsorption alumina is a decolorized and refined alumina specially developed and produced for the antibiotic production process. At present, it is mainly used in the production of antibiotics such as cefazolin sodium, cefotaxime sodium, cefradine, ceftazidime, as well as traditional Chinese medicine flavonoids, notoginseng saponins and other production processes for decolorization and chromatography. Tested under the same conditions as imported products in terms of decolorization and refinement effect, regeneration ability, service life, transmission rate, etc., the results are compared, the performance is the same, and the individual indicators and decolorization effect are better than imported products. In addition, it is also widely used in chromatography and drying processes.

Product parameters:

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