

Ultra-high temperature calcined alumina

  • Product name : Ultra-high temperature calcined alumina
  • Product Categories : Ultra-high temperature calcined alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

High temperature calcined alumina is a white powder calcined at 1700℃-1800℃ and then ground. It has high hardness and good thermal conductivity. It can be used as a polishing material or as a thermal conductive material in electronic potting materials.

Product parameters:

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涡轮流量计| 数字接地电阻测试仪| 延伸铣头| 油泵齿轮泵组合泵| 全自动CIP清洗设备| 意大利ATOS电磁阀| 力士乐比例阀| 河南高隔间| 超高温石墨化炉| PGC精密天平| 环保干法制砂楼生产厂家「智能生产」| 纯电动装载机| 波霆机械(上海)| 轴对中测量仪| 乳酸菌管式分离机| 梧州藤县打印机出租赁维护| 小型气流分级机| MHYVRP矿用通讯电缆| 削片机价格| 电磁超声测厚仪| 青岛大江机械| 热式流量计| 真空马桶总成配件| MCP| 风机叶轮| 耐候老化试验房| 粉尘采样器| 电子地磅| 湿热高低温试验箱| 彩色复印机| 多功能辐射监测仪| 汽车尾箱锁测试盒| 无接缝**滑触线| 煤质化验分析仪器| 手动单道移液器| star抗体| Julabo恒温水浴| 上海贵尔机械| 螺旋打桩管| 上海雷磁离子计| 热力喷雾式除氧器|