

High purity ultrafine alumina

  • Product name : High purity ultrafine alumina
  • Product Categories : High purity ultrafine alumina
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

High-purity alumina micropowder is a white powder with uniform particle size, low water storage and stable chemical properties. This product is used as a raw material for high-alumina refractory materials, ceramic devices, spark plugs for automobiles, and polishing and grinding products.

Main features:

Appearance is white powder with uniform particle size, low water storage and stable chemical properties.

The main purpose:

This product is mainly used for luminescent materials such as the main raw materials for rare earth tricolor phosphors, long afterglow phosphors, PDP phosphors, and LED phosphors. Transparent ceramics: fluorescent tubes for high-pressure sodium lamps, electrical programmable read-only memories window. Single crystal: used in the manufacture of ruby, sapphire, yttrium aluminum garnet. High-strength and high-temp alumina ceramics: used in the manufacture of integrated circuit substrates, cutting tools, high-purity crucibles. Abrasives: used in the manufacture of glass, metal, semiconductor. Plastic Separator: used in the manufacture of lithium battery separator coatings.  Other: used as active coatings, adsorbents, catalysts and catalyst carriers, vacuum coating, special glass raw materials, composite materials, resin fillers, bioceramics.

Product parameters:

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