

Aluminum hydroxide filler

  • Product name : Aluminum hydroxide filler
  • Product Categories : Aluminum hydroxide filler
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Our company produces aluminum hydroxide filler series products, which are widely used in flame retardant additives for various aluminide raw materials, plastics, rubber and other flammable materials, papermaking, surface pigments, coatings, toothpaste substrates, catalyst carriers, water purifiers, Fluoride salt, desiccant, various types of molecular sieve fields, pharmaceutical industry, artificial agate, glass mosaic, building material quick-setting filler, etc. It can be processed and produced according to the specific specifications of users, with stable product quality, strong price competitiveness, and fast and timely delivery. We will serve new and old customers wholeheartedly with high-quality service and good reputation.

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