

Agate grade aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Agate grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Agate grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Agate Grade Aluminum Hydroxide | Aluminium Hydroxide Agate Grade) Shibang Brand-Aluminum Hydroxide (Agate Grade) is white powder, which is non-toxic, tasteless, good dispersibility, high whiteness and low iron content. This product is the best filler for artificial agate products. The artificial agate products produced with it have good brightness, smooth surface, good stain resistance, wear resistance, impact resistance and high structural strength. It is an ideal filler in contemporary new building materials and craft products. .

Shibang brand-aluminum hydroxide (agate grade) is white powder, which has the characteristics of non-toxic, odorless, good dispersibility, high whiteness and low iron content. This product is the best filler for artificial agate products. The artificial agate products produced with it have good brightness, smooth surface, good stain resistance, wear resistance, impact resistance and high structural strength. It is an ideal filler in contemporary new building materials and craft products. .

Product parameters:

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