

Aluminum hydroxide powder

  • Product name : Aluminum hydroxide powder
  • Product Categories : Aluminum hydroxide powder
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Aluminum hydroxide micropowder series products are filled flame retardants, the main component is AL(OH)3, suitable for rubber, plastic products and other flame retardant fields, such as mining conveyor belts, mining air guide coated cloth, rubber hoses, rubber sheets, carpets, rubber pads, PVC wire and cable materials, wire and cable sheaths, building materials, damping pastes, damping boards, electronics, etc. It has the advantages of low cost and high performance. This flame retardant is an inorganic compound, non-toxic and harmless, and does not produce secondary pollution.

Product parameters:

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不锈钢膜片压力表| 阻垢剂| 生产型冻干机| 二氧化硫| 次氯酸钠发生器| biozol蛋白酶| 蒸发浓缩赶酸仪| CK6160| 恒温振荡水浴装置| 防腐泵| 噪音计TYPE308| COD测定仪厂家| 50KN数显电子万能试验机| 8000系列在线电导率仪| KOHKI油压快换接头| 光电传感器| 多极管式滑触线| 熔体齿轮泵| 七厂| 美标| 东莞市常平远大电热机械厂| 南京市秦淮区熙亿仪器设备经营部| 消检电检| 210)| 变电所运维云平台| KAIJO凯捷| 比例螺纹插装阀| 万用一体化蒸馏仪| V| 日本NSK轴承| 生活及建筑垃圾分拣处理设备| 高压无线核相仪宝应苏旭电气设备厂| TPK快克无铅焊台| DL小型工业吸尘器| 组培专用光谱灯| Andover滤光片| 实验室真空泵| 辐射剂量仪器| 制药| 空气弹老化试验仪| 智能冻干机|