

Surface active aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Surface active aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Surface active aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Surface-active aluminum hydroxide is a surface treatment of aluminum hydroxide with silane or titanate coupling agents. The product has high fineness, narrow particle size distribution, good flame retardant effect, high whiteness, low bulk density, and is stable at room temperature. , Activated aluminum hydroxide can improve the bonding and processability of aluminum hydroxide and resin, so that it has the dual functions of flame retardant and filling, and gives the product excellent comprehensive performance. Therefore, this product is added to composite materials such as plastics and rubber. It not only makes the product have the effect of flame retardant, smoke elimination and self-extinguishing, but also has enhanced anti-leakage, arc-resistant and wear-resistant properties. It can be widely used in electrical LDPE cable material, rubber, wire, cable insulation layer, sheath layer, thermal insulation material, conveyor belt, etc.

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