

Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide is mainly divided into two types according to its moisture content, and the product is low in price. It is mainly used in various industries such as sewage treatment, glass manufacturing, medicine, papermaking, aluminum fluoride and aluminum sulfate product manufacturing. raw material grade aluminum hydroxide.

Product parameters:

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实验级| 氮气发生器| Greisinger真空表| DT1050| ECOM紫外检测器DAD400| 专业实验室设备生产厂家| 智能在线音叉密度计| 工业铝型材配件| 微量氧气分析仪| 个人辐射测量仪| 横河记录纸| 一次热解吸仪| 铸造厂粉尘出来设备布袋除尘器| 吴江市兴达电热设备厂| 高尔夫球车电池| 织物摩擦带带电电荷量测试仪| 莱玻特瑞霉菌培养箱| 油浸式放电线圈| 微量点液| 称重扫描拍照一体机| 制药厂防爆蠕动泵| 出租箱式变电站| RIGEL多参数模拟器| 焊接机器人厂家| 酶标仪维修| 粉末高速钢| PST645UX| 涡凹式气浮机| 131铂铑热电偶| 梳棉机| 酸雾废气处理塔| 实验室气体管路系统安装| 浮球液位开关| 力士乐电气备件| 固纬LCR测试仪| 成都洁净棚| 远程控制智能电表| 生态石笼网| RUB摩擦脱色试验机| 阳光模拟试验箱| 餐厨垃圾处理解决方案|