

Agate grade aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Agate grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Agate grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Agate Grade Aluminum Hydroxide | Aluminium Hydroxide Agate Grade) Shibang Brand-Aluminum Hydroxide (Agate Grade) is white powder, which is non-toxic, tasteless, good dispersibility, high whiteness and low iron content. This product is the best filler for artificial agate products. The artificial agate products produced with it have good brightness, smooth surface, good stain resistance, wear resistance, impact resistance and high structural strength. It is an ideal filler in contemporary new building materials and craft products. .

Shibang brand-aluminum hydroxide (agate grade) is white powder, which has the characteristics of non-toxic, odorless, good dispersibility, high whiteness and low iron content. This product is the best filler for artificial agate products. The artificial agate products produced with it have good brightness, smooth surface, good stain resistance, wear resistance, impact resistance and high structural strength. It is an ideal filler in contemporary new building materials and craft products. .

Product parameters:

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多功能电能表价格| 高压开关校验仪| 多通道涡流探伤仪| 塑料低温脆性| 蒸压釜厂家| 温州市氟塑设备制造厂官方网站| Adler球阀| 赛斯特冷冻系统| 工业在线浊度分析仪| 液体高压输送泵| 上海盾旗过滤设备百科| 化粪池曝气泵| 拜氏不动杆菌| 精密活塞杆生产厂家| 船用控制电缆| 派克先导式电磁阀| 铸铜铸铝铸铁电加热器| 复合盐水喷雾试验箱| 石笼网| 智能电子拉力试验机| 观光车蓄电池| 高空测试钳| 自吸式氟塑料耐酸磁力泵| 继电保护校验仪| 数控| 动物手术器械设备| 介电击穿强度测定仪| 拉伸拉力试验机| HED压力继电器| 安徽春辉压力变送器| 扭矩扳手检定仪| 氧化膜测厚仪| BQC(BQD)防爆电机控制器| KT7900无线高低压核相仪| beckman超速离心管| 吸料机| 甩胶机| 振动筛分机的厂家| 山东临工装载机配件厂家| 成安县鑫鸿机械加工营业部| 台式过程质谱仪|