

Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Industrial grade aluminum hydroxide is mainly divided into two types according to its moisture content, and the product is low in price. It is mainly used in various industries such as sewage treatment, glass manufacturing, medicine, papermaking, aluminum fluoride and aluminum sulfate product manufacturing. raw material grade aluminum hydroxide.

Product parameters:

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塑料拉丝机| 自动防潮箱| 山东冷库安装| 多通道涡流探伤仪| 水车专机| 铝合金破碎机| BIERI液压元件现货| 感官实验室| 冷弯型钢| 机镗铣动力头| 氨水在线浓度分析仪| 柴油机下水道疏通机(下水道高压疏通机)| 耐破度仪| 6150山东数控车床| 脑电性能模拟器| 切削液废水处理设备| 地铁管片螺栓厂| 航空煤油聚结器滤芯| 铜楼梯扶手| 高温高精度进料泵| 琼脂糖| 管道式气动振动器| 万福乐比例阀| PCT高压蒸煮老化箱| 小电流接地故障定位仪| 布袋除尘器| KIESEL清管器| 一体化振动探头| 冷藏集装箱租赁| 铂网电极| 美国2B臭氧检测仪| 食品重金属检测仪| 车载式绿篱修剪机| 多功能校准仪| LED光电试验箱| 无尘布| 超声波塑焊机十大品牌| 富士侧流风机| 高温拉力机| 风机叶轮| 德国SPIRSTAR|