

Surface active aluminum hydroxide

  • Product name : Surface active aluminum hydroxide
  • Product Categories : Surface active aluminum hydroxide
  • Company name : Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Surface-active aluminum hydroxide is a surface treatment of aluminum hydroxide with silane or titanate coupling agents. The product has high fineness, narrow particle size distribution, good flame retardant effect, high whiteness, low bulk density, and is stable at room temperature. , Activated aluminum hydroxide can improve the bonding and processability of aluminum hydroxide and resin, so that it has the dual functions of flame retardant and filling, and gives the product excellent comprehensive performance. Therefore, this product is added to composite materials such as plastics and rubber. It not only makes the product have the effect of flame retardant, smoke elimination and self-extinguishing, but also has enhanced anti-leakage, arc-resistant and wear-resistant properties. It can be widely used in electrical LDPE cable material, rubber, wire, cable insulation layer, sheath layer, thermal insulation material, conveyor belt, etc.

Product parameters:

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扬尘噪声自动监测系统| 工业硼酸| 防爆墙生产厂家| 单袋式| pe耐磨板| 超高温石墨化炉| BPYJVRP变频电缆| 透析袋夹子| 防爆氟利昂气体检测仪| 气力输送设备| 糖果高速旋转式压片机| 耐低温硅胶| 电缆耐火试验装置| 电瓶车充电桩| MTS办事处| 全铝家居招商加盟| 接触角测试仪| 多功能抑尘车| 电动阀门控制器| 工地环境扬尘实时监测设备| 高温PH在线自动检测仪| 双色石英管水位计| 淄博海恒机械制造厂| 绝缘纸板| 锂电池露点变送器| 柔软度仪报价| 篮球场悬浮地板厂家| 振动分析仪| StrongBlockBuffer阻断剂| 台湾JADEVER电子秤| LEUZE光栅| 厂家| 戟齿轮减速机| 超低温磁性液位计| 钢板网| 晶圆芯片封装石墨模具| 候车亭制作厂家| 浙江安捷伦| BmZ系列防爆电磁阀| 立式双动力磨粉机| 高温蒸汽孔板流量计|