

Alumina: why the higher the whiteness, the better the quality of alumina

(Summary description)Why the higher the whiteness of alumina, the better the quality?

Alumina powder is widely used in new ceramic materials and industrial production. Good products can help improve production efficiency. Therefore, when selecting products, we must carefully control the quality to prevent quality problems during use and cause no effect.

1. The purity of alumina powder should be high, and the oxides of elements such as silicon and iron should be as low as possible. In order to ensure its purity and whiteness, the higher the purity, the higher the whiteness.

2. Strictly require the content of heavy metal elements harmful to the human body. Radiation is a very large measure.

3. The whiteness of alumina should be as high as possible. Whether it is alumina or molecular sieve, the whiteness mainly depends on the raw material. For new ceramic materials, the whiteness does not affect the mechanical properties and processing performance of the material, but the whiteness is high and gives a good feeling, and the whiteness with the same performance has more competitive advantages.

4. The lower the oil absorption, the better. The specific surface area directly determines the oil absorption, and the firing temperature determines the specific surface area. The higher the firing temperature, the smaller the specific surface area and the lower the oil absorption rate. Special industries need to use products with lower oil absorption. At this time, it is necessary to perform surface activation treatment and process it into activated alumina to meet customer requirements.

5. The fineness should be appropriate, not the finer the better, and the particle size distribution should also be determined according to needs.

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Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Ms Yan Tang
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Address: No. 131, Yumin Road, High-tech Development Zone, Zibo City, Shandong Province

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