

Alumina: What are the properties of alumina

(Summary description)Alumina can be used to strengthen and toughen plastics, rubber, ceramics, refractory materials and other products, especially to improve the compactness, smoothness, cold and heat fatigue, fracture toughness, creep resistance and wear resistance of polymer materials. The performance is particularly remarkable. Below, let’s briefly understand the properties of alumina:

1. PH=7.0, but the specific pH value can be adjusted according to customer requirements. Adjusting the pH value has no effect on the liquid.

2. Transparent, high content, no precipitation or stratification.

3. There are water-based liquids, oily liquids, alcohol, ether, ketone liquids. All are transparent and have good compatibility.

4. The far-infrared emission material with excellent performance is used in chemical fiber products and high-pressure sodium lamps as far-infrared emission and insulation materials. In addition, alumina has high resistivity and good insulation properties, which can be used in the main parts of YGA laser crystals and integrated circuit substrates.

5. Improve the compactness, smoothness, thermal fatigue, fracture toughness, creep resistance of ceramics and the wear resistance of polymer materials.

6. With high hardness and good dimensional stability, it can be widely used to strengthen and toughen various plastics, rubbers, ceramics, refractory materials and other products.

7. Improve the scratch resistance and durability of UV-curable coatings. These UV-curable coatings are widely used in areas that require high wear resistance, such as plastic floor nano-alumina XZ-L690 in white and fluffy powder state, and the crystal form is γ- Al2O3. The particle size is 20nm; the specific surface area is ≥160m2/g. Uniform particle size distribution, high purity, good dispersion, high specific surface, high temperature resistant inertness, high activity, is activated alumina; porosity; high hardness, good dimensional stability, strong surface acidity and certain The surface is basic and is widely used as new green chemical materials such as catalysts and catalyst carriers.

From the above introduction, we can see how extensive the application of alumina is. It can not only enhance toughness, but also improve finish. It is an indispensable chemical substance in industry, and its application range will gradually expand.

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Shandong Shibang Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Ms Yan Tang
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Address: No. 131, Yumin Road, High-tech Development Zone, Zibo City, Shandong Province

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